
Simona Cazzaniga

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Simona Cazzaniga was born on the 29th April 1962 in Abbiategrasso.


She attendend secondary school at the Liceo “Benedetto Cairoli” in Vigevano. Then she graduated at Università degli Studi di Milano on 1985, with a thesis in Copyright Law, heading: Il contratto di edizione (Publishing Agreements). She has been Prof. Giuseppe Sena’s assistant in the industrialat the law faculty for several years thereafter.


Among her teaching experiences, she had the opportunity to teach “Copyright and related IP Law” to managers in the publishing and music sectors at a post-graduate course directed by Mogol and sponsored by the EEC (Centro del Tuscolano).


Moreover she has been lecturing at the Padova University, teaching in the Law Network, Patent and IP Enforcement Master, and in International Litigation Master. She also taught industrial and intellectual property law in the Information Technology Law Master, organized by OmniMedia@ and Work Italy(agency for the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Politics).


She also gave lectures at SDA Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Milan onCompanies and illegal acts Designing business security, focusing on the evaluation and protection of intangibles assets (know-how, trade secrets, trademarks and patents).


She was responsible for the professorship of Institutions Industrial Law at the European Institute of Design.


Since 1998 she regularly teaches IP law at the specialisation course in patent and technology licenses procedure held by CONVEY (Turin) and funded by the EU as well as the preparatory course for Italian patent agents.


Since 2007 she is teaching industrial and intellectual property law and IP contract law in the post lauream master’s degree in design of the Politecnico di Milano School of Design.


Since September 2012 she is teaching “Protection of Design and Designer” at the Politecnico di Milano.

On May 2013 she also gave a lecture at the “Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in High-Tech sectors” Master, organized by the University of Genoa and the Italian Institute of Technology, on the fundamental aspects of the Industrial Property Code on the protection of inventions.


On July 2013 she was professor of the “design management Sole 24 Ore” master in Milan.
On December 2013 she was chosen as professor in the “Fashion Sole 24 Ore” master in Milan.


Since 2015 she is teaching Intellectual Property at the master “Transportation&Automobile Design” at Politecnico di Milano.


Since 2016 she is teaching Intellectual Property at the master “Management dell’innovazione e dell’imprenditorialità” at Università Statale di Milano.


Since 2019 she is teaching at Università IULM in Milano.




Alongside with her academic work and research, she has been practicitng law at Studio LegaleSutti in Milan, where she became Partner during her thirties and she heads the Intellectual Property Law and Competition Department.


Among the numerous awards and media mentions she gained during her professional path and to the high-profile cases that she personally followed, it is worth mentioning that the British magazine InBrief – in June 1999 – has described her as one of the “IP gurus of the moment” in Italy in response to a market analysis in Italian legal services performance by the World Legal Forum for its famous Guide to Law Firm around the Globe.


Similarly, in 2000 she was recommended for all American lawyers as one of the leading Italian experts in intellectual property law and intellectual property by the prestigious Guide to Foreign Law Firms of the American Bar Association, edited by the Section of International Law and Practice, as well as in the October 2002 until April 2003 in the IP Europe supplement of the American Lawyer magazine, in which her department won the first place among those recommended Law Firm in the intellectual property field in Italy in 2004.


In 2001 she was also recommended – respectively – as one of the leading Italian experts in the field of patents and trademarks law by the Legal Media Group on the Guide to the World’s Leading Patent Lawyers and on the Guide to the World’s Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners.


In 2002, she was included by the International Financial Law Review in the prestigious IFLR1000, a Guide for operators in the banking and financial sector of the leading legal experts in the world by area of specialization.


Also in 2001, she was recommended as an Intellectual Property Expert by European Legal Experts Guide Legalease Ltd., a position confirmed also in 2002 and in 2003,and again in 2011 and 2012. Similarly, in 2002, 2003 and 2004 the Guide to the World ‘s Leading Lawyers Chambers and Partners nominated her among the top three Italian lawyers specialized in intellectual property law, a reaserch based on six thousand interviews between law firms and corporate clients around the world . Also from 2004 until nowaday she ws defined by Convey as an Expert in Industrial Property Law and Intellectual Property of Paent – The Portal of Intellectual Property. In this period, she also holds the IP Luminary Award 2007 for Italy gave to her by WORLD Leaders IP Awards.


Finally, in 2012 – in addition to the aforementioned title as Intellectual Property Expert – the Legalease Ltd. has also awarded her as the “Recommended IP Law Expert in Italy” for the work done in 2011 .


This recognition was further confirmed with the award conferred to her in the same period as the “Outstanding Trade Mark Law Practitioner in Italy” by Legal Media Group, which has recognized her as one of the leading Italian experts in the field of trademarks on its Guide to the World ‘s Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners.


In November of 2013 she gain a nomination as “IP lawyer of the year” in the Top Legal Awards.

In 2019 Forbes included her in the list of the 100 leading consultants in Italy.


Her activities in the prevention of the counterfeiting of intellectual properties did also worth to her and to her Law Firm the designation of “Unique Representative for Italy ” of Counterforce (an organization of law firms created by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris for provide legal assistance to victims of global counterfeiting of trademarks, models, patents and other intellectual property rights in the context of the ICC Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau).


As a professional and researcher, she is one of the founders of the AAIPI, Italian Intellectual Property Lawyers Association, joined over the years by various associations, committees and working groups in order to study industrial law and competition, including the Association International des Jeunes Avocats (where she was elected member of the Executive Committee in 1993-1995 and where she participated in the creation of the law Industrial Commission in Aja in 1990) , the International Bar Association (where she was elected a member of two Executive Committees: the Committee SBL- C , Antitrust & Trade Law and the Committee SBL- L, in the field of Intellectual Property and Entertainment), Union Internationale des Avocats, the Licensiong Executive Society , the Union des Avocats Européens , and the Order of Lawyers of Milan (where she was elected Secretary of the Relations between the Judiciary Organism and Lawyers, in Court of Appeal of Milan ). In 2006, she was also Vice-President of Centro Studi Anticontraffazione department in Centro Studi Grande Milano, and invited to become a part, as a member, of the Design Jury, an organization established in 1995 on the initiative ADI and Confindustria, where lately she held the role of Vice President. In addition she is an active member of the most prestigious national and international associations in the field of industrial and intellectual property law: AIPPI, INTA and INDICAM .

Since July 2012 she was a consultant to the Public Prosecutor of Milan in the field of design and patents.








  • “Italian Code of Industrial Proprerty – English-Italian version” – Les Italia, ed. 2019;
  • “Il danno emergente da ‘annacquamento’ degli IP assets: adozione di uno strumento contabile praticabile internazionalmente”, in Italia Oggi, 08/2017;
  • “Il Tribunale delle Imprese di Milano sul danno emergente da “tarnishment” degli asset IP: una soluzione praticabile internazionalmente”, in AIPPI newsletter, n. 04, 14/12/2015;
  • I’Italian Sounding“, in PATNET, 11/09/2015;
  • “The Italian Sounding”; “Lotta alla contraffazione in internet”, in Italia Oggi – Speciale EXPO 2015, serie speciale n. 07, 17/06/2015;
  • “Il food design ed il packaging come marchi tridimensionali”, in Atti Convegni AIPPI, 2015;
  • “Le controversie giudiziali cautelari e di merito in Italia e all’estero – profili comparatistici”, su, 2012;
  • “Il nuovo quadro legislativo italiano in materia di proprietà industriale ed intellettuale – diritto sostanziale e processuale a seguito delle modifiche normative del CPI”, su, 2012;
  • “La valutazione economica dei beni immateriali”, su, 2012;
  • “Il look-alike nella giurisprunza internazionale”, su, 2005;
  • “L’uso dei marchi nei nomi di dominio”, in Atti del Convegno IIR “Marchi e nomi a dominio”, Milano, 2002;
  • “The Web and the Legislation On the Press: the Italian Views”, con Gianluca Gilardi, in The European Lawyer, 2001;
  • “Updating design protection in Italy”, con Andrea Montanari e Joel Smith, in Managing Intellectual Property, 1999;
  • “Made in …- Made in Ruritania – Made in Italy”, in European Intellectual Property Review, 1996;
  • “L’Antitrust come fenomeno di colonizzazione culturale”, in L’Uomo Libero, 1996;
  • “La tutela d’urgenza in caso di concorrenza sleale”in Il Foro Padano, 1995;
  • “The EC Trade Mark Directive and Italy”, in The Trade Mark Yearbook 1994, Euromoney, 1995;
  • “Intellectual Property and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Italy”, in IP and the Pharmaceutical Industry, supplemento a Managing Intellectual Property, 1994;
  • “Industrial design e diritto d’autore in materia di opere dell’architettura”, in Il Foro Padano, 1994;
  • “The Legal Protection of Fashion and Industrial Design in Italy“, in The Patent Yearbook 1993, Euromoney, 1994;
  • “The Italian Position on Intellectual Property and Information Technology“, in Intellectual Property and information Technology, supplemento a Managing Intellectual Property, 1993;
  • Antitrust – la legislazione in materia di tutela della concorrenza nei principali Paesi industrializzati, con Giuseppe Sena e Mario Franzosi, Giuffrè, Milano 1990;
  • Conversione di brevetto d’intenzione nullo in brevetto per modello di unitàin Rivista di Diritto Industriale, 1998.
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