
Emilia Patrut

Emilia Patrut was born on 12/12/1955. She is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 1993 and a former legal advisor for a Foreign Trade company.

Founder of Vitzman, Webster & Partner in September 1996, in 2002 became a partner of Studio Legale Sutti and a member of the SLS office in Bucharest, where she can be reached through the relevant channels of communication or at his personal e-mail address emilia.patrut “at”

She is highly qualified in Corporate, Privatisation and Banking and has experiences in Management and Marketing within the Romanian Academy of Economic Sciences.



**1970-1974** – “Gheorghe Sincai” high school Bucharest
**1974-1978, 1992** – Law school – Univeristy of Bucharest


*[1 for lowest, 5 for highest]*
**English:** Reading=5, Speaking=3, Writing=4
**German:** Reading=4, Speaking=3, Writing=3



**December 1997 – December 1999**
Investment of International Finance Corporation in Demirbank S.A.
Lender, New Shareholder – IFC
Advising IFC on the Loan Agreement between IFC and Demirbank S.A.Advising IFC on its equity participation as new shareholder in Demirbank S.A.Acted as sub-contractor for Norton Rose, London

**December 1998 – May 1999**
Investment of International Finance Corporation in GARANTA S.A.
Shareholder – IFC
Advising IFC on its equity participation as new shareholder in GARANTA S.A Acted as sub-contractor for Norton Rose, London

**February 1998 – September 1998; June 1999 – July 1999**
Privatisation – Spin-off
New shareholder ROMANEL S.A. – Spin-off subject – ROCIN S.A.
Due diligence on the company, negotiation and conclusion of the contract with SOF (State Ownership Fund) for the purchase of shares, drafting all legal documents and registration within Romanian authorities. Drafting the Spin-off project, drafting all legal documents for the General Meetings of Shareholders and subsequent documents and registration with Romanian authorities.

**March 1999**
Privatisation of TRIAL S.A.
Due diligence on the company, negotiation and conclusion of the contract with SOF (State Ownership Fund) for the purchase of shares, drafting all legal documents and registration with Romanian authorities.

**May 1998 – August 1998**
Privatisation of FORESTAR S.A. – Increase of capital of FORESTAR S.A.
New shareholder – ROMANEL S.A.; FORESTAR S.A.
Due diligence on the company, negotiation and conclusion of a contract with SOF (State Ownership Fund) for the purchase of shares, drafting all legal documents and registration with Romanian authorities. Drafting all legal documents related to the General Meetings of Shareholders and amendments to the Charter related to the increase of capital.

**October – December 1996**
Privatisation of AMCO S.A. – Ghimbav
New shareholder – ROMANEL S.A.
Due diligence on the company, negotiation and conclusion of contracts with SOF (State Ownership Fund) for the purchase of shares, drafting all legal documents and registration with Romanian authorities.

**September 1997 – October 1997**
Increase in capital of AMBRO S.A. Suceava
New shareholder – SIKOR FRANCE
Organising the General Meeting of Shareholders for taking the increase of capital decision, drafting the documents and registration within the Romanian authorities.

**May 2000 – July 2000**
Merger of three Romanian companies
Organising and drafting the documents for the General Meetings of Shareholders, drafting and publishing the project of merger and drafting all documents related to the registration of the merger in these companies with the Romanian authorities.



**1978-1987**, Metalimportexport, Bucharest, Legal Adviser, Advising on all legal import-export issues.
**1987-1988**, Romanian National Office for Tourism, Bucharest, Legal Adviser, Advising on all legal issues related to the Romanian National Office for Tourism.
**1988-1993**, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Bucharest, Legal Adviser, Advising on all legal issues related to the Ministry of Sport and Youth’s atributions.
**1993-1996**, Sole Practitioner, Bucharest Bar, Attested lawyer with full right of audience, All legal services, including litigation.
**1996-present**, Vitzman, Webster & Partners, Studio Legale Sutti, Bucharest Bar, Attested lawyer with full right of audience, All legal services, including litigation. Advising a large number of corporate entities both Romanian and Foreign on the constitution, organising, merging, privatising and dissolution and spin-off.

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