
Legal Education Providers

Legal Education Providers

With regard to the possible purchase of conference papers authored in all or in part by Studio Legale Sutti’s members, and updates on upcoming events, we are pleased to list and link here, for our site visitors’ convenience, the Web sites of event organisers and professional updating / continuing education / training providers who regularly invite us as speakers and lecturers:


Most of the sites above indicate how to order the papers of past events, and in any case all of them contain the data which are necessary to contact the relevant organisation to this effect.  Of course, the sites above
also provide details on the future public events that are listed in our page SLS Members’ Upcoming Conferences and Lectures and on how to participate.

Some of those organisations customarily rely on our advice and cooperation in planning their future events, such as, e.g., CEGOS, which has appointed Stefano Sutti as a member of its Legal Management Advisory Council.

Other reports and lectures are prepared by SLS’s members owing to their membership  in the relevant national and international organisations or committees holding the seminar or conference concerned. The addresses of their Web sites, which usually provide details on the organisation’s past and planned events and the related printed materials, are listed in our pages on Personal Memberships and on Firm’s Memberships.

Other organisations having recently invited us to speak on various legal topics include European Central Bank, Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Ufficio dei Referenti per la Formazione Decentrata
Distretto di Milano), Associazione Industriale Bresciana, Volkswirtshaftliche Gesellschaft Kärnten, Centro Estero Camere di Commercio Lombarde, UNI – Ente Italiano per l’Unificazione, Unione Industriale di Padova, Rotary International, Associazione Piccole Imprese di Milano, Circolo Giuristi Telematici, Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati, etc.

All lectures and reports which have also been published independently on the Web are listed at the page SLS On the Web.

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