

  • In our plans for the future there is the setup of an extranet , aimed at allowing a greater integration between our internal information services and our presence on the Internet; but above all a tighter, seamless cooperation between SLS’s members and its clients. Of course, several issues need to be dealt with; and among those, aspects related to security are of the uttermost importance.
  • Those who wish to send SMS messages to members of the Firm on their GSM cellular phones are welcome to profit from the links herein for Italy and Bulgaria, which are also promptly accessible from the Menu Applet, Section Text and Tools / Web Tools.
  • The members of the Firm are in a position to arrange appointments on IRC sites – or on chat areas of commercial services, such as those provided by COMPUSERVE. Needless to say, while it may be useful for exchanging ideas and entertaining relationships with colleagues, clients, personal relations and other netizens, IRC is entirely unsuitable for any kind of business contact.
  • Cable addresses are not operational any more in Italy. and therefore our previous address “SUTTIS MILANO” has been de-activated. If you want to send us a telegram, you must therefore specify our addresses.
  • We have also ceased to be telex users, and therefore our number, 353063 WAY I, has been de-activated. We believe that very few people corresponding with us will miss it, as telex and teletex are nowadays completely obsolete.
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