
Modem ISDN

All data addressed to the Firm may be immediately delivered, when it is reasonable according to their nature, size and confidentiality via a dial-up, point-to-point digital transmission to our Head Office, through the use of any communication software that is able to establish a connection via modem or ISDN.

In particular, any transfer of data may be operated via modem, after making the necessary arrangements, by dialing the number +39 02 76204803, in all the ITU-T standards up to V.34+ and V.90, with V.42bis or MNP-10 hardware compression. All most common data transfer protocol are supported, including X-modem, various flavours of Y-modem, Kermit, COMPUSERVE-B, Z-modem, and so on.

More efficiently, the same transfer may take place via a mono- or bi-channel ISDN connection to the number +39 02 7620450 (in Milan), with a sustained speed of 128 Kbits/sec., without the uncertainties of a TCP/IP connection over the Internet. All the lines of our Head Offices, and some lines of our secondary offices, are standard Euro-ISDN2e BRIs.

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